
The BC cell, short for “Back Contact Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cell,” is an advanced solar technology with electrodes positioned on the back of the cell, leaving the front fully exposed to sunlight to maximize light absorption efficiency. This design shortens the current path, reduces resistance, and enhances cell performance Return list


PV system
 High Efficiency: With no metal gridlines on the front, the BC cell eliminates shading losses, maximizing photon utilization and increasing short-circuit current by about 7% compared to conventional cells. The absence of front-side electrodes also enables an optimized texture and a passivation anti-reflection layer, boosting light absorption and reducing carrier recombination losses to achieve higher open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and conversion efficiency.

 Optimized Grid Design: With both positive and negative metal electrodes on the back, shading from front-side gridlines is eliminated. This allows for maximum optimization of the metal grid structure, such as increasing grid width and refining grid shapes to reduce series resistance, enhance long-wave photon back-reflection, and improve the fill factor and short-circuit current.

 Streamlined Encapsulation Process: The back-contact design supports module encapsulation with co-planar connections through automation, eliminating the need for traditional soldering ribbons and reducing the negative effects of stress-induced deformation.

 Aesthetic Design: Back-contact modules minimize gaps between cells, increasing cell density and energy output per unit area. The front has a more uniform, visually appealing appearance, making it well-suited for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) with strong commercialization potential.
Efficiency :22.3%